Friday, December 4, 2015

Chapters 2 and 3: Growing Up in a School

For this posting you will:

1. Define the concept of "institutions." 
2. Identify an example of an institution from chapters 2 and 3.
3. Explain how Malala has been effected by the institution you selected. Provide textual evidence, which you should parenthetically cite. 
  •  A parenthetical citation includes, in parenthesis, the author's last name and the page number of the quote.
          (Authors's last name page #).

          This is what your parenthetical citation should look like:  (Yousafzai 31).

Your answers should be in complete sentences. The expectation for this post is that you will write 4 sentences.


  1. Institutions are ANYTHING that have an impact on multiple generations of people. There are many institutions in this book. The institution that had the most impact on Malala, is her family/friends. Her father is a teacher and taught Malala to be confident, strong, and communicate and fight for her beliefs.
    Without her father, we may not know Malal Yousafzai.

    1. You will notice that I did not add textual evidence on this may use this post to model your responses, be sure to parenthetically cite as Mrs. Jaccarino modeled above. you are cite the specific evidence to support your claim that the institution you identified impacted her life!

  2. i agree that family institution all have to stick together without Malaya family she wouldn't be the person she is today well when she stood of for education but her family gave her that confidence. In chapter 2 her dad had taught her to be brave and show what she believed in and that what made her what she is today i think it was the right thing to speak up for education and believe in what you think is right. and also may la has been effected by he institution is because she believed in what she thought was right when she was on the bus she went up and stood right in front of the gun and she spook and the man shot her she did the right thing she spoke for what she believed in Lexi j

  3. In a family institution most people in that family have to work hard to give them confidence in what they believe in. In chapter 2 her dad teaches her how to be confident. her dad was proud that she risked her life or what she believed in. When her father was a teacher he was teaching for what he believed for but Malala was Standing up for what she belive for.

    By Brandon b

  4. An institution impacts many generations of people. One can ascertain that in the book Malala there are multiple institutions, the most impact was her father because since she was born he treated her as a equal not as the culture would. He always knew she was going to do more in life, he celebrated her and you aren't supposed to in their way of life. Malala's father influenced her to stand up for women and make sure they have the same opportunities as men.
    Kat D.

  5. Institutions are any system that affect multiple generations. An example of an institution in "I Am Malala" is her father's school. On page 56, is says "I used to sit in wonder, listening to everything they were being taught. Sometimes I would mimic the teachers. You could say i grew up in a school." showing how heavily effected Malala is by school, seeing as she lived in one for a good portion of her life?

    Liam Roberts
